August 16, 2010


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D: Kirk Jones: (Emma Thomson, Colin Firth, Kellie McDonald, Imelda Staunton, Derek Jacoby, and Angela Lansbury)

PG for mild thematic elements, some rude humor and brief language.
97 m. US/UK/France

Tagline: You'll learn to love her. Warts and all.

Very charming fairy tale fantasy about a widower with seven rambunctuous children and a mysterious, magical nanny who comes into their lives. Strong elements of Mary Poppins, The Sound of Music, and Edward Scissorhands, yet completely original. A whimsical, gentle comedy and veddy, veddy British.


Ted said...

That sounds worth checking out... I only vaguely remember seeing the commercials for this one. It's coming out with a sequel soon, no?

I've only recently discovered and am thoroughly enjoying a couple older Brit shows, Fawlty Towers (John Cleese) and especially Black Adder (Rowan Atkinson). Black Adder is just awesome beyond words, I love a show that can make me laugh out loud. And I can't believe the subject matter and language they got away with. :-D

Michelle Beaubien said...

Yup, it just came out this week. The original one takes you into another world, where the colours are a bit brighter, the characters look a bit exaggerated, almost cartoonish (esp. Nanny McPhee herself and the cook), and it's clean enough for the kiddywinks.

I should take a look at Black Adder and Fawlty Towers sometime. They're classics, after all. As for the racy subject matter and language, anything sounds classy when said in a British accent. :D